ERP implementation:
our services & best practices

ERP implementation: our services & best practices

Konstantin Pilkevich

by Konstantin Pilkevich,

Head of Itransition's ERP Center of Excellence

ERP implementation is a series of steps required to plan, develop, and deploy a comprehensive enterprise resource planning system supporting your organization in many corporate functions.

With 25+ years of experience in software development, Itransition provides ERP implementation services to help your company adopt an off-the-shelf ERP platform or build one from the ground up to meet your business requirements.

of organizations have improved their business processes via ERP solutions

Panorama Consulting, 2022

of organizations realized their expected productivity and efficiency benefits

Panorama Consulting, 2022

estimated ERP market growth by 2029

Fortune Business Insights, 2021

About Itransition

10+  years in ERP services  

50+ completed projects of different scales across various industries

Hands-on expertise in delivering out-of-the-box, custom, and hybrid ERP solutions

Strategic partnership with Odoo, Microsoft, and NetSuite

The scope of ERP implementation services

The scope of ERP implementation services
  • Business case identification
  • Business process mapping
  • Change readiness analysis
  • Digital ecosystem evaluation
  • Pre-existing ERP assessment
  • ERP project cost-benefit analysis
  • TCO and ROI projection
  • Contract negotiation with ERP vendors
  • Project budgeting and resource allocation
  • Deployment model selection
  • Tech stack identification
  • Project scheduling and roadmap
  • Requirements gathering
  • Software architecture and UX/UI design
  • Platform customization
  • Custom development from scratch
  • ERP customization and feature delivery
  • ERP module development
  • Legacy ERP migration and data transfer
  • ERP software configuration
  • ERP software integrations
  • QA and end-to-end system testing
  • On-premise or cloud deployment
  • Software maintenance and updates

Looking for a reliable ERP implementation partner?

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Our ERP projects: success stories

Take a look at these case studies from Itransition’s ERP project portfolio to assess the potential pay-offs of enterprise resource planning software implementation for your business.

Custom manufacturing ERP


sales growth

We provided a major UK furniture manufacturer with a custom ERP/CRM system to automate various business processes, such as compiling customer data and converting quotes into orders.

eLearning ERP/LMS


DevOps cost cuts

Our project team delivered an ERP/LMS suite based on Odoo to help a US eLearning company enhance its administrative functions, including student data entry, enrollment, and scheduling.

Odoo-based ERP system


manual work reduction

Itransition implemented an ERP built on top of Odoo and designed to automate the business processes of a US-based maintenance company, such as work order and inventory management.

Custom manufacturing ERP


sales growth

We provided a major UK furniture manufacturer with a custom ERP/CRM system to automate various business processes, such as compiling customer data and converting quotes into orders.

eLearning ERP/LMS


DevOps cost cuts

Our project team delivered an ERP/LMS suite based on Odoo to help a US eLearning company enhance its administrative functions, including student data entry, enrollment, and scheduling.

Odoo-based ERP system


manual work reduction

Itransition implemented an ERP built on top of Odoo and designed to automate the business processes of a US-based maintenance company, such as work order and inventory management.

Custom manufacturing ERP


sales growth

We provided a major UK furniture manufacturer with a custom ERP/CRM system to automate various business processes, such as compiling customer data and converting quotes into orders.

eLearning ERP/LMS


DevOps cost cuts

Our project team delivered an ERP/LMS suite based on Odoo to help a US eLearning company enhance its administrative functions, including student data entry, enrollment, and scheduling.

Odoo-based ERP system


manual work reduction

Itransition implemented an ERP built on top of Odoo and designed to automate the business processes of a US-based maintenance company, such as work order and inventory management.

ERP implementation roadmap

The typical ERP implementation process involves several phases requiring specific skill sets. Here are the crucial steps you should be ready to take:



Our implementation consultants elicit your requirements, assess your workflows and software ecosystem, and prepare detailed technical specifications.



Our experts outline the ERP architecture and functional design from an end-user perspective using blueprints, mockups, UX/UI wireframes, and workflow mapping. They also select the right ERP technology stack.



Itransition's project team defines project scope, deliverables, and an implementation strategy. During ERP implementation planning, we develop user onboarding and risk mitigation strategies, define project budget and schedule.



Our team proceeds with the configuration/customization of an ERP platform or, if the client has decided upon a custom ERP, we take on front-end and back-end development. After that our experts integrate ERP with other corporate systems via custom code, pre-built connectors, or APIs.



We perform end-to-end acceptance testing using automation tools and expert supervision to ensure the final product meets the specification requirements and lives up to the expectations. This stage also includes user acceptance, operational acceptance tests, and bugs and issues resolution.



Depending on the hosting model of your choice, we deploy the final product on-premises or in a cloud-based environment. We help with data migration from corporate systems and applications to the ERP platform. It is typically executed after proper data integrity validation to avoid migrating obsolete, duplicate, or inconsistent information. After that, we assist with user training and creating user manuals.



We provide a post-release platform and user support to streamline ERP adoption. We also take care of further technology upgrades and system troubleshooting.

ERP implementation benefits

A multifunctional ERP solution with a rich selection of modules and features results in relevant business benefits for your organization.

Increased productivity

ERP systems boost productivity by streamlining and harmonizing multiple business processes while automating clerical, time-consuming tasks.

Cost savings

An ERP solution helps you adjust processes suffering from inefficiencies and minimize errors, optimizing your corporate workflow and lowering operational costs.

Enhanced data management

ERP software acts as a unified hub for data storing and cleansing, gathering critical information from several systems and providing your staff with a single source of truth.

Data visibility

ERP improves transparency and provides easy access to key business metrics. It provides dashboards with the ability to drill down to transactions, contracts, product specifications, and service information.

Data-driven decision making

ERP tools have solid BI and data analytics features to get the most out of your data assets, including sales trend forecasting, workflow visibility, and KPI tracking.

Cross-team collaboration

An ERP system fosters cooperation across different departments and business units due to project planning functionality, real-time information exchange, and synchronized staff management.

Improved customer experience

ERP software solutions generally feature a full spectrum of CRM-oriented capabilities to meet your customers' business needs and therefore facilitate retention and loyalty.

Ensured compliance

By enhancing process visibility, data governance, and fiscal accounting, an ERP ensures that your business complies with the industry standards and regulations.

Software scalability

Adding new modules, you can extend your ERP's feature set to scale along with your business and suit ever-evolving corporate goals and requirements.

ERP platforms we work with

Businesses prioritizing faster implementation and lower upfront costs could opt for a platform-based ERP solution. We work with the following industry-leading platforms:

Key capabilities
  • Cloud-native architecture
  • Natively-integrated functional modules
  • Industry-specific features
  • Solid security functionalities
Deployment model
  • SaaS
Target companies
  • Сompanies looking for standardization and easy upscaling

Key capabilities
  • Flexible, modular architecture
  • Open-source system, enabling customizations
  • 30 main apps to cover main business processes
  • Over 30,000 ready third-party add-ons
Deployment model
  • Online SaaS
  • PaaS
  • On-premises
Target companies
  • Businesses of any size searching for a customizable solution

Key capabilities
  • Flexible, scalable architecture
  • Native integration with Microsoft products, including Office 365, Power BI, and Azure
  • Built-in AI capabilities
  • Mobile access support
Deployment model
  • Cloud
  • On-premises
Target companies
  • Growing and mid-sized companies looking to optimize and automate business workflows

Key capabilities
  • High customization flexibility
  • Complete interoperability with Microsoft products
  • Familiar Microsoft look & fee
  • Mobile accessibility
Deployment model
  • Cloud
  • On-premises
Target companies
  • Midsize and large companies looking to support and streamline complex business workflows

Custom ERP

Our professionals can also implement a custom ERP solution built from the ground up and tailored to fit your needs.

  • Personalized set of features and modules
  • Fully customized integrations
  • Total control over the final product
  • No software license fees
  • Limited workflow changes after adoption
  • In-house updates and maintenance

Improve your business performance with an ERP solution by Itransition

Let’s talk

Successful ERP implementation: best practices

Here are some recommendations from our ERP implementation consultants you should keep in mind to prevent the most common implementation issues.

Select a reliable consulting provider with proven expertise in your industry and a proprietary ERP implementation methodology to lead you through the transformation.
Forecast implementation investment and TCO based on working hours, staff, and tech stack to minimize the risk of budget overruns and disruptions.
Create an ERP implementation plan detailing key project tasks divided into phases and defining a realistic development timeframe.
Bring together a dedicated group comprising a project manager, business analysts, developers and QA specialists
Before migrating, consolidate your data into a unified database and cleanse it to delete unnecessary or inaccurate information
Depending on your industry and core processes, focus on a set of ERP features ensuring top value to optimize development costs
Combining in-house experts and external consultants provide your ERP end-users with ongoing support and training to foster adoption
Assess the success of your ERP implementation project via accurate ROI and KPI analysis to consider customizations

Rely on expert partners

Define a budget

Set up a roadmap

Gather a team

Prepare your data

Prioritize key functions

Invest in training

Measure the outcomes

Best practices

Rely on expert partners

Select a reliable consulting provider with proven expertise in your industry and a proprietary ERP implementation methodology to lead you through the transformation.

Challenges of ERP implementation

Given the complex nature of a typical ERP and its impact on multiple processes, its adoption might have challenging implications. Learn what you can do to avoid them.

Change management

Non-alignment of key stakeholders’ expectations during and after the ERP implementation, lack of communication and resistance in all layers of the organization pose a serious challenge. A synergistic ERP implementation may require several process adjustments, ongoing training, user support, and proactive communication of the project scope to overcome staff and stakeholder concerns and get their buy-in.

Architecture model selection

Nowadays, standard "all-in-one" solutions may be too monolithic for many businesses. Instead, it's worth considering "layered" or "composable" ERP architectures. Such modern ERP solutions help ensure superior flexibility, configurability, and ease of integration with your software ecosystem to keep up with ever-evolving scenarios.

Data consistency

ERP software doesn't always handle master data directly, but absorbs and aggregates information from other corporate systems, where the source data might be easily amended. An ERP must be capable of re-syncing such amendments and update aggregates to maintain data consistency across multiple software solutions.

Data security & compliance

Given the growing attention to data protection, improper data management may cause reputational issues and heavy penalties. Like any other software heavily relying on data, ERP management systems should feature robust cybersecurity measures and comply with the major standards and regulations, such as GDPR and PCI DSS.

Need help with your ERP implementation project?

Contact us

More ERP services by Itransition

ERP consulting

ERP consulting

We offer expert guidance to assist your company throughout its ERP adoption journey, from business analysis and tech stack selection to software design, development, deployment, and post go-live support.

ERP development

Itransition delivers custom ERP solutions according to a proprietary ERP implementation methodology and equipped with a fully personalized set of features, modules, and integrations in line with your workflows and infrastructure.

ERP customization

Our team of experts will help your organization extend the scope of its existing ERP system with new functionalities, a complete UX/UI revamp, additional integrations, and powerful automation features.
ERP integration

ERP integration

Itransition’s team can integrate your ERP solution with additional types of corporate software, third-party tools, and smart devices to enable an ongoing flow of information among multiple systems without any disruptions.

ERP implementation Q&A

On-premise or cloud ERP implementation?

On-premise ERP deployment ensures broader customization options and full control over your system, including data security, but typically lacks scalability and requires higher upfront costs. Cloud-based implementation is faster and provides smooth remote system access but can be hindered by restrictive licensing options.

How much does ERP implementation cost?

The total ERP implementation investments can vary based on your operational scenario. The current system architecture, the number and type of integrations, the extent of your implementation team, user support and training initiatives, and any adjustments to the corporate workflow are among the factors to consider. Speaking of broad estimates, implementation of a platform-based ERP solution for a mid-sized company starts from $50,000, while a custom one will cost from $1mln and higher.

All-at-once or phased implementation?

The so-called "big bang" implementation, namely the transition of all staff and processes to the new ERP solution, can help you save time and seize all the benefits of a modern system right from the start. A phased rollout might help you entice your stakeholders with quick wins and give you more time to adapt your business processes and train your staff.

Upgrade legacy ERP or implement new software?

When your legacy system no longer meets your requirements, software customizations can minimize development times and maintain a familiar system for your employees. A new ERP, however, may be a better choice if simple upgrades can't fill the functional gaps or risk being more expensive than building a new system.

Retail ERP:
core features, benefits & integrations


Retail ERP: core features, benefits & integrations

Discover retail ERP’s core functionality, integrations, platforms, benefits, and best practices and explore Itransition's ERP service offering for retailers.

ERP in ecommerce:
value & development options


ERP in ecommerce: value & development options

Explore the key features, types, pay-offs, and integration options of ERP solutions for ecommerce, along with Itransition's range of related services.

CRM vs ERP: which one you need?


CRM vs ERP: which one you need?

Learn the difference between CRM and ERP systems and find out whether your business needs a CRM, an ERP, or both.

ERP system maintenance for LISI Aerospace

Case study

ERP system maintenance for LISI Aerospace

Learn how Itransition delivered ERP system maintenance for LISI Aerospace to enhance productivity and reduce support costs.

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Odoo for fleet management: a review

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