Enterprise collaboration software

Enterprise collaboration software

All collaboration levels covered

Itransition offers its technology consulting and development services to help enterprises implement and successfully use business collaboration software. We deliver platform-based and custom solutions that connect employees all over the globe as well as foster businesses to communicate efficiently with their customers and partners.

Enterprise-wide collaboration

We design and implement solutions that ensure company-wide and cross-department communication locally and between geographically distributed workforce.

Team collaboration

We create device-agnostic collaboration applications that support ongoing interaction of team members and enable effective management of their everyday activities.

External collaboration

Our software erases boundaries between enterprises, their customers and partners, contributing to improved customer and business relationships.

Collaboration software solutions

Collaboration software solutions

Within the scope of collaboration software development, Itransition builds digital solutions for a variety of collaboration scenarios. Our solutions come with engaging user interfaces, content management features, and secure collaboration workflows.

Collaboration software solutions

Collaboration portals

Our team takes up collaboration portal development to provide intranets and extranets with collaboration areas, spacious content storages, and instant communication tools. A Microsoft Gold Partner, Itransition can tailor Microsoft collaboration software to every enterprise’s requirements.

Experts in SharePoint development, we create multifunctional SharePoint portals for effective corporate and external collaboration. We work with all versions of SharePoint on-premises and in the cloud to tailor the platform to your specifics.

We leverage the Office 365 ecosystem to create cloud-based collaboration portal software. We pay attention to the reasonable use of multiple Office 365 applications while enabling security and monitoring features for protected collaboration.

Microsoft 365

We help enterprises set up collaboration-driven business workflows with Microsoft 365. We extend its out-of-the-box capabilities with custom features to create unique productive environments for all groups of remote or in-house employees.

Do you plan to implement or improve your enterprise collaboration portal?

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Unified communications

We help our customers create connected centralized networks by putting together VoIP, video conferencing, instant messaging, and emailing. We integrate unified communications into business workflows to eliminate bottlenecks related to human interaction.

  • Chats and forums
  • Video calls
  • Voice mail
  • Streaming
  • Online conferences and presentations
  • Emails and email-based collaboration groups
  • Virtual meetings

Project collaboration

Our solutions encourage project teams to perform better through streamlined collaboration and coordinated activities. We deliver effective solutions for time management, project planning and tracking, employee productivity management, and performance assessment, all equipped with built-in collaboration features.

  • Task management
  • Project team workspaces
  • Private team sites
  • Team reporting
  • Synchronized calendars
  • Project cards extended with discussion boards
  • Online team meetings and events
Digital workplace

To propel your digital transformation, we apply our expertise in business process automation and enterprise collaboration software to implement digital workplaces in line with your industry and business standards. By bringing together people, processes, and technologies, our software empowers employees to work more productively, communicate without limits, and show greater results.

Digital workplace

We help enterprises refine their document workflows by adding a collaboration component. We set up collaborative workflow management, which enables workflow participants to discuss document content at any stage, accelerate or stop workflows, co-edit documents, share and publish them effortlessly.

Enterprise content collaboration

We provide business users with powerful tools for content-centric collaboration. We architect content repositories, media libraries, and content portals where users can manage 160+ content formats while collaborating within their communities of interest and working teams.

Enterprise content collaboration

Knowledge collaboration

We support companies with established knowledge management processes or those just setting up their KM practices with relevant knowledge-oriented collaboration software. Our solutions let users deal with formalized knowledge as well as provide toolsets for enterprises to grasp invaluable tacit knowledge.

Social collaboration

Using our enterprise collaboration software, our customers not only foster human interaction at all levels but also succeed in social programs. Our solutions serve as the foundation for social engagement, enterprise-wide social activities, and open company-to-employee communication.

Are you looking for a suitable enterprise collaboration solution?

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Intelligent collaboration

We leverage modern technologies to diversify the modes of professional collaboration. Itransition integrates smart features into existing collaboration solutions as well as develops standalone software that makes collaboration more engaging and meaningful.

Chatbots & digital assistants
Chatbots & digital assistants

Our expertise in machine learning serves us to create multipurpose chatbots and digital assistants to augment your frontline services such as help desk. Trained to distinguish the slightest nuances of communication, our smart solutions prevent misunderstanding and ambiguity characteristic of human-to-machine conversation.

Recommendation engines
Recommendation engines

By enriching collaboration solutions with AI-powered recommendation engines, we help end users find relevant contacts and access content of their interest much easier. Our intelligent solutions establish correlations between individual preferences and detect common points between people, so that they can build productive networks and have necessary content at their fingertips.

Must-haves of enterprise collaboration

We consider our customers’ digital collaboration strategy, technical capacity, and end users’ needs to optimize collaboration environments with more scalable infrastructures, powerful mobile technologies, and advanced security features.

We fine-tune environments for hosting cloud collaboration software. We perform all types of cloud integrations to ensure uninterrupted collaboration experience across cloud and hybrid implementations.

Experienced in mobile development, our team helps enterprises adopt mobile collaboration. We help end users benefit from collaboration capabilities and stay connected regardless of their physical location.

Our services cover a variety of cybersecurity needs related to the management and use of collaboration software. Protection of collaboration content and channels as well as users’ privacy are our priorities.