Salesforce Einstein: AI features,
case studies & adoption guidelines

Salesforce Einstein: AI features, case studies & adoption guidelines

February 13, 2024

Top Einstein features across Salesforce products

As an AI platform embedded into the Salesforce Customer 360 product portfolio, Einstein powers every aspect of customer relationship management.

Einstein for Sales Cloud

Einstein helps sales teams to be more productive and exceed their quotas by providing custom behavior and demand predictions and automating repetitive tasks.

Einstein Opportunity & Lead Scoring

This feature predicts the likelihood of closing an opportunity and assigns scores to leads based on your conversion history so that sales reps can prioritize their leads.

Einstein Account & Opportunity Insights

This tool uses historical CRM data to look for structural changes within your accounts and opportunities, such as possible mergers, expansions, or managing board changes.

Einstein GPT for Sales

Einstein’s generative AI, which combines proprietary AI models with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, automatically creates sales tasks, such as scheduling meetings, or personalized emails for contacts and leads.

Einstein for Marketing Cloud

Einstein’s marketing-oriented features unveil customer behavioral patterns and preferences to personalize their experiences and boost engagement across different channels.

Einstein Engagement Scoring

Salesforce Einstein predicts how likely customers are to engage with your content, such as opening an email, clicking on a link, or looking through an offer.

Einstein Messaging Insights

This feature detects changes in the performance of your email sends and journeys (opens, clicks, unsubscribes, etc.) and sends your marketing agents timely notifications.

Einstein Web Recommendations

This tool monitors website visitors' behavior and delivers personalized content based on their preference profiles and your predefined business rules.

Einstein for Commerce Cloud

This set of AI-powered features helps deliver highly personalized customer experiences across all touchpoints and boost sales as a result.

Einstein Product Recommendations

Einstein’s recommender engine processes customer data to identify and suggest the most relevant products to each shopper.

Einstein Predictive Sort

Based on shoppers' interactions across websites and mobile apps, this function assesses customer affinity to your products and adjusts the sort order of search results.

Einstein Search Dictionaries

Einstein AI autonomously identifies relationships between search queries to create lists of synonyms and deliver more accurate search results.

Einstein for Service Cloud

AI in Service Cloud provides businesses with chatbots to reduce hold time and improve customer experience. It also automates mundane customer service tasks, including case classification.

Einstein Bots

Einstein's toolkit includes multilingual, easily configurable chatbots powered by natural language processing, which can be deployed across your communication channels to handle routine requests.

Einstein Conversation Mining

Einstein sifts through previous customer interactions to discover why clients reach out to your contact center and identify recurring issues.

Einstein Article Recommendations

This functionality examines customer cases to provide your specialists with relevant knowledge base articles that will help them address clients’ requests.

Einstein for CRM analytics & Tableau

Einstein further improves Salesforce’s analytical capabilities with artificial intelligence algorithms to interpret customer trends, facilitate decision-making, and mitigate business risks.

Einstein Discovery

This powerful business intelligence tool leverages machine learning to identify trends in your customer data and visualize insights via dashboards.

Einstein Prediction Builder

This feature forecasts potential business outcomes, such as customers at risk of churning, by analyzing past occurrences.

Einstein Next Best Action

Einstein’s predictive capabilities provide valuable recommendations to your sales agents, such as products to up-sell, and help them create action strategies.

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Examples of Salesforce Einstein’s implementation

Gucci’s customer service

Aiming to deliver a “hyper-personalized” customer experience, Gucci implemented Salesforce Einstein across its global client support network. The company uses Einstein for Service to generate short conversation replies in line with their brand’s voice but customized according to each client's personal data. Client advisors can edit these AI-generated answers to further personalize each interaction based on context.

client advisors using AI-generated replies

Heathrow’s customer communication & support

As one of the world's largest airports, Heathrow was struggling to keep up with a growing number of users turning to its customer support services. Therefore, the airport adopted Customer 360 as a centralized platform to better manage communications and support services. Marketing Cloud Intelligence enables the organization to target clients with personalized emails, while Einstein chatbots mitigate call volumes for more responsive customer service.

questions answered by chatbots every month

Spotify’s B2B marketing & sales

Spotify Advertising's team replaced some of its manual and inefficient sales processes with AI-based automated workflows. Sales reps can now use Sales Cloud Einstein to collect and analyze ad campaign data and monitor sales pipelines via dashboards. They can also rely on the Opportunity Scoring feature to prioritize the most promising leads and boost B2B ad sales conversions, or use CRM Analytics to identify clients at risk of churning.

increase in ad sales productivity

Salesforce Einstein’s adoption benefits


Since Einstein is built into the Salesforce platform, you can seamlessly integrate it into your Salesforce-based business processes without using external tools.

Productivity & efficiency

Salesforce Einstein automates data capture from documents and other clerical tasks, helping reduce man-hours for multiple processes and mitigate operational costs.

Data-driven decision-making

Einstein’s ML-powered analytics features derive business insights from your data assets, shedding light on customer-related trends and enabling more informed decisions.

Low entry threshold

Your staff doesn’t need prior AI-specific training to use Einstein, as this platform does the heavy lifting of data processing and AI modeling via its native capabilities.

Customization possibilities

Einstein’s functionalities are easy to customize with specific tools, including Copilot Studio to build bespoke AI assistants or embed your own AI model.

Our Salesforce services

As a certified Salesforce Partner, Itransition helps you adopt Salesforce’s suite of services and make the most of Einstein’s advanced AI capabilities.

  • Einstein readiness assessment
  • Salesforce edition and feature selection
  • Einstein implementation roadmapping and budgeting
  • Consultancy on Einstein features’ configuration and customization
  • Advisory on integrating Einstein with existing Salesforce systems
  • User training and support focusing on Einstein capabilities
  • Einstein usage monitoring via adoption metrics
  • Implementation of Einstein features into your Salesforce cloud environment
  • Customization and UX/UI configuration of Einstein Analytics, Bots, and other AI features
  • Salesforce Einstein integration with your software ecosystem
  • Einstein features’ QA and user acceptance testing
  • CRM data migration to support Einstein's AI analytics
  • Setup of Salesforce-based workflows enhanced by Einstein AI models

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Tools & guidelines for Einstein implementation

Salesforce Einstein implementation comes with the typical challenges of adopting an AI-powered solution that Salesforce customers can address with specific tools.

Use case & feature selection

Einstein is not a single, one-size-fits-all product, but an AI technology powering features spread across several products, add-ons, or even versions. Salesforce Lightning, for instance, includes Einstein functionality that Classic lacks.

Some Salesforce plans already include certain AI features, while others require you to purchase them as separate add-ons, which makes Einstein's pricing rather complex. Selecting a comprehensive set of Einstein features to address essential use cases for your business without incurring unnecessary licensing costs requires a reasonable trade-off.

  1. Salesforce suggests turning to Einstein’s Guide to AI Use Cases, an interactive website with more than 50 use case examples. This tool provides a step-by-step questionnaire to help companies pick relevant AI use cases.
  2. Organizations can use the Einstein Readiness Assessor to receive personalized reports highlighting features they’ll be able to fully leverage and the ROI they can expect. If you plan to adopt Einstein for Sales Cloud, for instance, the system will consider your monthly number of open leads, annual revenues, and other key metrics.
Use case & feature selection

Image title: The questionnaire for Einstein’s Guide to AI Use Cases
Image source: — Einstein’s Guide to AI Use Cases Can Help Bring Artificial Intelligence To Your Business

Data management

The ability of Einstein AI models to identify patterns or trends and deliver accurate analyses depends on the quality and volume of data with which such models are trained. So if you fuel Einstein with inaccurate or insufficient data sets, it will not build trusted AI models. The need for CRM systems to handle sensitive customer information, combined with Einstein AI’s notorious hunger for data, can raise concerns among lawmakers and the public regarding privacy and cyber exposure.
  1. Salesforce provides detailed lists of data requirements to make sure your models powering specific features are properly trained. For instance, Einstein Discovery requires a CRM Analytics data set encompassing at least 400 observations with a known outcome.
  2. Consider relying on CRM Analytics’ Data Prep feature to set up data cleansing, transformation, and loading pipelines through its intuitive visual interface. Einstein Discovery is another tool that will detect potential issues with your data and notify you via Quality alerts.
  3. You can use Data Cloud, Salesforce’s data management platform natively integrated with Einstein, to combine and harmonize customer data from multiple sources in real time and achieve a unified customer view.
  4. With Einstein Trust Layer’s features, you’ll be able to anonymize your customers’ sensitive data via data masking, preventing it from being processed by language models when generating automated replies.
Data management

Image title: Data Prep’s visual interface
Image source: — Clean, Transform, and Load Data with Data Prep

Adopting Salesforce Einstein seamlessly

The role of AI in CRM software is growing more central, and a market leader like Salesforce wasn’t caught unprepared. Nowadays, this popular CRM platform competes with other AI-based solutions by offering ever-broader functionality that augments customer operations.

This rich offering of AI-powered features distributed across multiple services makes Einstein an effective yet intimidating ensemble of tools to implement. However, Salesforce’s solutions for use case identification and data management, combined with expert advisory from a partner like Itransition, can make your adoption journey easier.

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