Data science consulting

Data science consulting

Making sense of big data

Our data science consultants will help you leverage your data's full potential to power high-tech solutions, access valuable insights, and successfully address key business challenges.

Operational optimization
Operational optimization

Workflow streamlining Asset management Predictive maintenance

Demand forecasting Supply chain optimization

Customer analytics
Customer analytics

Customer segmentation Personalized marketing Market trend prediction

Sentiment analysis Recommendation systems

Risk management
Risk management

Fraud detection KYC automation Investment management

Cybersecurity Data protection

Social media




CRM records

ERP data

App logs


Big data we work with

Ready to turn data into value?

Let Itransition’s data scientists guide you

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A full-cycle consulting experience

Itransition guides you all along the data science lifecycle to reforge raw data into value for your business. From the early quality assessment of your sources to the final data model deployment, our data science consulting company will provide you with expert advice every step of the way.

1. Framing your goal

We help you

Assess potential value of your data
Define opportunities for long-term growth
2. Collecting data

We help you

Identify required data sources
Collect and store raw data
3. Preparing datasets

We help you

Audit your raw data quality
Clean, prepare and load your datasets for further processing
4. Turning data into insights

We help you

Create high-performing data models
Leverage them to acquire insights

Big data management

We gather, process, and store data by setting up ETL processes, which involves data extraction from selected sources, its transformation based on business logic, and loading into data warehouses and data lakes.

Data engineering

We transform data to make it processable by algorithms. Our data engineers perform data cleansing and feature selection to spot skewed data, limit bias, and avoid overfitting issues in the subsequent modeling phase.

Data modeling

We create data models, including machine learning models, with cleansed datasets, enabling them to recognize patterns and relationships between data points, shed light on their dynamics, and provide useful business insights.

Data visualization

We implement standalone or embedded data visualization tools such as dashboards and other types of visual data exploration interfaces to ensure crystalline data storytelling and facilitate your decision-making.

Our data science services for intelligent solutions

Our data science services for intelligent solutions

Our AI solutions draw their strength from a broad range of cognitive technologies, enabling your company to automate and streamline many time-consuming business tasks, offer 24/7 customer support, and ensure a much more interactive customer experience.

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants
  • Contextual shopping
  • Intelligent process automation
  • Real-time personalization

We develop high-performance machine learning and deep learning systems powered by neural networks, following supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement learning paradigms to identify patterns and anomalies among the underlying datasets.

  • Pattern recognition
  • Trend forecasting
  • Anomaly detection
  • Data clustering

Itransition’s experts develop systems capable of analyzing visual inputs and detecting objects, faces, or written characters in real time. Our solutions allow your business to quickly react to incoming data and gain valuable information from multimedia content.

  • Medical image analysis
  • Face and emotion recognition
  • Video surveillance
  • Optical character recognition

We harness regression and machine learning-based predictive techniques to open a window into the future, allowing your organization to forecast upcoming events or market trends, augment risk management capabilities, and enhance data-driven decision-making.

  • Risk mitigation
  • Proactive recommendations
  • Demand prediction
  • Customer segmentation

Data science for business outcomes

Business intelligence

Business intelligence

We can provide expert guidance to assess your pre-existing BI environments, develop new sophisticated business intelligence solutions to enhance your data management and analytics, or assist your company with the migration to a new BI platform.

Customer experience

We build CXM ecosystems to help you harvest customer data from multiple sources via cross-channel data collection tools, get a deeper view of your customers' sentiment and behavioral patterns, and provide a personalized customer experience.

Business process management

We offer BPM consulting and development services to extract and investigate your business processes' data, identify bottlenecks or weaknesses, and streamline your corporate workflows according to a tailored digital transformation strategy.

Enhance your business with our data science solutions

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Data governance and protection

Our data science solutions are built to combine performance with reliability, compliance, and ease of use, in order to ensure a smooth user experience and safe data management for your staff, stakeholders and customers.

Data governance

Itransition's data science experts can share their expertise to help you orchestrate a big data governance plan tailored to your business goals, corporate vision, and industry laws. We will set up a framework to ensure efficient and secure data management and synergistic cooperation among all the corporate actors involved.

Legal compliance

Strict adherence to ethical principles and data management regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA, is one of the pillars of our data science consulting. Each of Itransition’s solutions has been and will be designed to comply with current legislation, including the one applicable to your business.

Our data science consulting services follow best cybersecurity protection practices to set up effective defenses and controls against data losses, breaches, and hacking. While following secure software development principles, we can also perform a comprehensive assessment of your corporate security practices and help you protect your sensitive data assets by discovering and patching vulnerabilities.

Tableau for data science


Tableau for data science

We explore Tableau’s data science capabilities across Python, R, MATLAB, and Salesforce Einstein integrations.

Pharmaceutical data analytics suite for a US multinational

Case study

Pharmaceutical data analytics suite for a US multinational

Read about Itransition’s 10+ years long cooperation with a US-based multinational to create their flagship pharmaceutical data analytics products.

Automated data collection: tools, methods, and current efficacy


Automated data collection: tools, methods, and current efficacy

We look at the current approaches to automated data collection and their effectiveness for text, audio and video information extraction.

Reinforcement learning applications: what’s under the hood?


Reinforcement learning applications: what’s under the hood?

What’s under the hood of reinforcement learning applications? Learn their value for business use cases with Itransition.