Corporate learning portal for PayPal
Proactive management of offline trainings and Moodle-based online courses Integration into PayPal corporate network
To be able to continuously grow and add to its suite of offerings, the company devotes significant effort to technical personnel training starting with the very moment a new employee joins the company.
In order to organize a more effective learning process and training resources management within the new corporate training vision, PayPal approached Itransition for the development of a learner-centric new hire training portal which integrated into their corporate network.
Itransition was chosen to be the sole technology partner to perform the full spectrum of custom application development services, from IT consulting to development and quality assurance, followed by post-deployment ongoing system enhancement services.
Moodle was selected as the e-learning platform because of its scalability and its ability to handle both online and offline courses with ease. Moodle is also a SCORM-compliant Learning Management System (LMS) and supports various categories of online learning delivery via assignments, tests, multiple answer questions and course material. A PHP portal was built on top of the Moodle application, through which the learner interacts with the e-learning platform.
The solution which was delivered provides functionality in these areas:
For learning instructors:
- managing learning resources;
- scheduling classes;
- monitoring attendance;
- giving assessment scores, etc.
For system administrators:
- managing users;
- setting and maintaining lists of courses;
- generating reports, etc.
For PayPal new hires:
- viewing course info;
- opting in/out for online courses (OLT);
- registering for offline instructor led trainings (ILT);
- tracking one’s learning progress and courses completeness;
- taking exams;
- rating the taken courses and commenting on them, etc.
The system also enables managers responsible for the creation and management of learning plans for new employees to generate comprehensive reports on the team's performance, who has registered or opted in or out, what attendance is like and the number of passes and fails. This effectively tracks the progress of learners.
Currently, the portal is actively used and highly rated by the majority of PayPal’s employees, both as instructors and as recently engaged technical specialists.
Paypal was now able to implement a new and advanced version of training for new employees. This reduced the learning curve for new entrants, familiarizing them with Paypal's operations and ensuring that they are able to add value to the company within the shortest timeframe.
PayPal was very satisfied with the project results and the on-time, on-budget project delivery approach adhered to at Itransition.
The Portal is looking great! Your team has really done an amazing job with the enhancements.
You are wonderful, Paul. Please accept this wonderful person cheesy, incredibly kitschy certificate on my behalf. And I sincerely thank you, too! Please have a wonderful weekend. I cannot thank you enough for doing this. It means the world to this project.
Excellent Excellent Excellent! What a work around and you stayed so late, too. You’re the best.
All you guys on copy to this - Paul, Andrei, and I started on this weeks ago and even were working on it at sunrise CT U.S. this morning. Awesome.

Peggy Smith
Program Manager, PayPal, eBay corporation
The solution is based on Moodle LMS which are contained in ZIP files. Compliance with the SCORM standard ensures that the learner can access learning materials from anywhere. The web portal is tightly integrated with PayPal's corporate network using a Single Sign-On (SSO) so that any PayPal employee can access it using their normal access details, and avoiding the nuisance of having different credentials for the LMS.